
Source Restrictions Academic Year Summer
NSF REU (List of current REU sites and information on sites and supplements) Restricted to students who are US Citizens or US Permanent Residents REU Supplements to regular NSF research grants can fund a small number of students from your institution REU supplements to regular NSF research grants fund a small number of students from your institution

REU sites fund a cohort of students to work with one more more faculty members; Typically 10 students per cohort, half of whom come from other schools

CRA-W/CDC Programs Most funds for US Citizens or permanent residents, with some limited funds for international students attending US institutions CREU – Collaborative Research Experiences for Undergraduates – groups of 2-4 local students DREU – Distributed Research Experiences for Undergraduates; One or two students from institutions other than your own
Internal Funding Varies by institution Some departments or institutions have internal small grants programs for undergraduate research and/or internally-funded REU programs
Research grants Varies by funding source Adding undergraduate research stipends to a grant proposal generally has a very small impact on the total amount being requested; Also, it is often easy to re-allocate existing grant funds for undergraduate research stipends


Please see the CRA-E Awards page.